Dokumenti (7 ukupno)


Kratka zemljopisna početnica s dodatkom o Bosni : za nižje učione

The first printing house in Bosnia and Herzegovina was founded in 1519 by Božidar Goraždanin, in the city of Goražde, in eastern Bosnia. Two years later, in 1521, the establishment closed and was moved to Romania. Subsequently, a small number of books written in Bosnia and Herzegovina were sent outside the country to be printed, in Venice, Vienna, Rome, and elsewhere, but books were not produced in the country. In the second half of the 19th century, there was a revival of interest in printing and publishing in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The first printing house started work in 1866, in Sarajevo, and was called Sopronova pečatnja (Sopron’s Publishing House), after its founder, Sopron Ignjat (1825–94), a journalist and printer-publisher from Novi Sad. This later became Vilajetska štamparija (Vilayet Printing House). Books were printed in the Latin, Cyrillic, Hebrew, and Arabic scripts. Following the occupation of Bosnia and Herzegovina by Austria-Hungary in 1878, Vilajetska štamparija continued to produce books, but it changed its name to Zemaljska štamparija (National Printing House). The National and University Library of Bosnia and Herzegovina preserves a valuable collection of the first school books printed at Vilajetska štamparija. Shown here is one of the items from this collection, Kratka zemljopisna početnica s dodatkom o Bosni: za niže učione (Brief geographical primer, with an additional text on Bosnia: for primary schools), published in 1869.

Epitome vetustatum Bosnensis provinciae seu Brevissimum compendium historico-chronologicum ... Congesta, et compilata a p. Philippo ab Occhievja ...

Filip Lastrić je prvi historičar i bibliograf Bosne i Hercegovine. U djelu Epitome vetustatum osim historije i stanja franjevačke bosanske provincije prikazao je i opću historiju Bosne u doba banova i kraljeva stoga se ovo djelo smatra veoma značajnim i vrijednim za izučavanje.

Nauk krstjanski

Matija Divković (1563. -1631.), Bosanski franjevac je autor brojnih knjiga štampanih u Veneciji. Pridružio se franjevačkom redu u manastiru u Olovu, gdje je primio osnovno obrazovanje. Nakon dodatnog obrazovanja u Italiji vratio se u Bosnu. 1609, dok je bio na službi u Sarajevu, završio je svoju prvu knjigu pod nazivom "Nauk krstijanski za narod slovinski". Godine 1611. putuje u Veneciju gdje i štampao ovu knjigu.

BUKVAR : za osnovne škole u Vilajetu bosanskom

The first printing house in Bosnia and Herzegovina was founded in 1519 by Božidar Goraždanin, in the city of Goražde, in eastern Bosnia. Two years later, in 1521, the establishment closed and was moved to Romania. Subsequently, a small number of books written in Bosnia and Herzegovina were sent outside the country to be printed, in Venice, Vienna, Rome, and elsewhere, but books were not produced in the country. In the second half of the 19th century, there was a revival of interest in printing and publishing in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The first printing house started work in 1866, in Sarajevo, and was called Sopronova pečatnja (Sopron’s Publishing House), after its founder, Sopron Ignjat (1825–94), a journalist and printer-publisher from Novi Sad. This later became Vilajetska štamparija (Vilayet Printing House). Books were printed in the Latin, Cyrillic, Hebrew, and Arabic scripts. Following the occupation of Bosnia and Herzegovina by Austria-Hungary in 1878, Vilajetska štamparija continued to produce books, but it changed its name to Zemaljska štamparija (National Printing House). The National and University Library of Bosnia and Herzegovina preserves a valuable collection of the first school books printed at Vilajetska štamparija. Shown here is one of the items from this collection, Bukvar: za osnovne škole u vilajetu bosanskom (Alphabet Book for Primary Schools in the Bosnian Vilayet), published in 1867.
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